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What is an Ofsted inspection?

Ofsted are the official body for inspecting schools. They inspect and regulate services in education and skills for learners of all ages, along with services that care for children and young people. Inspections and regulatory visits are carried out on school across the country throughout the year. After an inspection, a report is written on the standards at the school.

Our Seva School Ofsted report

We were inspected on the 29th and 30th November 2022 and the Sevak Education Trust are delighted with the outcome. You can read an overview of the report below or click the button on the right hand side to view the full report:

Overview of Seva School Ofsted report – Inspection on 29 and 30 November 2022

Being a pupil at Seva School

Seva School is a welcoming and inclusive school where our virtues, kindness, courage, honesty, tolerance, respect and responsibility are woven into the curriculum we teach. They’re understood and respected by everyone here.

Leaders and pupils have high expectations to work hard to ensure the best outcome is achieved. Pupils take pride in their work and are polite and well mannered. They respect their peers and adults and have confidence in understanding that issues around bullying will be resolved quickly.

Our pupils are proud of their school and feel safe and happy here. Opportunities to prepare pupils for their future are plentiful – we ensure we’re promoting our pupils’ independence so they are ready to take on challenges as they grow.

Learning at Seva School

Our Leaders have a clear vision for Seva School – every pupil has the same opportunity here, including our special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) pupils. We all believe that all our pupils can be successful.

Leaders and staff work together to identify pupils with SEND requirements. These pupils learn well across a range of subjects because there is an understanding of their needs and whether adaptations are needed to meet these.

Our leaders have implemented a suitable personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) curriculum and coupled with citizenship enhances many aspects of their development. Pupils are also provided with effective careers support and guidance through a careers fair where they understand the various paths available to them once they finish school.

Staff at Seva School are positive about the leadership – their wellbeing and work-life balance is considered by leaders. Trustees are well informed and provide challenge and support.


Our safeguarding arrangements here at Seva School are effective and leaders ensure our pupils are safe. Regular and appropriate training mean that staff can quickly identify potential issues.


There is a thorough understanding of the role staff play to keep our pupils safe. When issues arise, staff work effectively with pupils and families who may need extra support.

Section 48 Faith Inspection

If a school has a designated religious character, it has an additional inspection of the faith element of its provision. Our last Section 48 Faith Inspection was January 2024 and was rated outstanding. We are proud of the development of the Seva Studies curriculum across our school and the extra-curricular offer we have in place.


Please click the button on the right hand side to view the report:

Seva School Performance

For data on schools and colleges, the Department for Education (DfE) has Performance Tables. It can be used to compare performance data across schools and colleges, and to check individual providers, using a similar graphical presentation to the Data Dashboard.

Please click on the buttons on the right hand side to view Performance Tables for Seva School:

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